By Sage Cook
Stand up and let loose easy
Let loose, release
Release in spite of reason
Reasons or beliefs
Beliefs are better lucid
Better’s hard to say
Stand up and let go freely
Stand up, stand up
Bombs are dropped in not mysterious ways
Because the powers that be
Believe, mistakes they’ve made in
No one’s rich, white, man enough to take the blame
Obvious the problem so obvious the change
And the media, man, ain’t got nothing to say
It’s all the same stories said the same ole way
I said the media, man, ain’t got nothing to say
It’s just dragging by
Barely caught upon the lack of patience,
Why unsettle yourself for someone else’s wealth
In these moments it seems that selflessness is not the answer
Every cell in the body just wants to be
It’s just dragging by
And sometimes I feel as if it’s standing still
Movement and change are just a given
Given these
The direction seems to hold the keys
It’s all subject to definition